
The Okkult LogBoard


Music page downdated

  • completely removed 3 dead links, as the masters remain lost...

Release page updated

  • added: "SDF Music Compilation Volume II" okkult appearance
  • added: "Radio Centraal: Complicatie 1" okkult appearance

General updates

  • links & downloadables now light up when hovering over them with your mouse
  • display bug at top frame for M$ Internet Explorer fixed
  • updated browser compatibility notice at entrance page
  • several small visual & unvisible optimisations
  • mirrored site on Hi-Speed ows.untergrund.net host, ows.freeshell.org stays being updated in realtime
  • removed all possible traps for unexperienced travellers


Music page updated

  • added: "(zaffin' (curver mix)" a remix by Whirl3o (Original by Aszazin remains unreleased, this one is just better!)
  • added: "In Yar R's" by Aszazin
  • added: "Makina Anthem I (Okkult remake)" by Sultan Aszazin


Video page updated

  • added: "Green Chartreuse" by Whirl3o (first public screening @ Kuklos 8okt2k5)
  • added: "We're All Kings & Queens" by Asj As Sin (first public screening 2001)
  • all earlier video's recoded to x264 video, ogg-vorbis sound & mkv container
  • snapshots added for all video's

Music page updated

  • added: Whirl3o remix of "Stop the Opression of Agression -o'clax": "The Opinion of Agression -o'clax"
  • repaired: "Start the Stimulation of Agression -o'clax", the last quarter was chopped off

New page

  • this log page has started for you to keep track of updates at this place